Restful API

The Campoal (petition/signature) API was intended as an upgrade to a more robust implementation of what was known as the Campoal petition widget. The basic concept functionality of both was to allow users to embed petition signing on other websites to help facilitate Campoal campaigns, giving tech-savvy petition starters the ability to better customize the campaigning experience.

Due to a number of technical reasons, Campoal no longer officially supports this feature and will be eventually decommissioning it in its current implementation. This means that new API key requests and the step-by-step documentation are no longer available through the Campoal/developer page, however, the API will still be usable for some period of time.

Since no new API keys will be issued, Campoal will re-issue existing API keys for users that require it; please contact Campoal via the Help Center at https://help.Campoal/.

We will try to give all current (and previous) users of the Campoal API some lead time before completely finally decommissioning it by posting to the Google Group, but, if you are noticing a discontinuation of API access and functionality, please check back here for any latest developments/news and/or contact us at the Help Center.


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Restful API