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How to Report Content

The content on Campoal represents the many opinions of our more than 200 million users. We do not, however, fact-check or endorse any of the campaigns or other user-generated content on our site. As an open platform, anyone can use our platform no matter who they are, where they live, and what they believe. This is why you’ll see an extremely wide range of petitions, as they’ve all been created by people in the community.

Our role is to make sure the platform is a powerful vehicle for change while remaining as safe as possible for our users.

What we don’t allow is content that violates our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines. If you happen to see something in violation, please contact our Help Center team and let us know (please be as specific as possible about the violation). We will investigate the situation and take appropriate action.

If you happen to see something that you don’t agree with or want to make a counterpoint to, we recommend creating your own petition. This will allow you to gather support for the opposing view.

How to report a petition

To report a petition on Campoal, you must first be logged into your account. Once you have logged in, follow the steps mentioned below:

Scroll to the bottom of the petition page and click on “Report a policy violation” button located below the comments section.
This button opens a menu where you will select a category for your report.
Before you can make a submission, you must include a reason for your report. The more specific you can be with your reason for reporting content, the more equipped the Help Center team will be when assessing your claim.
User-added image
Reported petitions are reviewed in the order in which they are received. Please refrain from submitting multiple reports of the same content. If we need to collect further information regarding your report, we will contact you.

How to report a comment

To report a comment on Campoal, you must first be logged into your account. Once you have logged in, follow the steps mentioned below:

Navigate to the comment that you wish to report.
Click on the “Report” button next to the comment to open the reporting menu.
Select a category for your report.
Before you can make a submission, you must include a reason for your report. The more specific you can be with your reason for reporting content, the more equipped the Help Center team will be when assessing your claim.
User-added image
Reported comments are reviewed in the order in which they are received. Please refrain from submitting multiple reports of the same content. If we need to collect further information regarding your report, we will contact you.

How we review abusive content at Campoal

Campoal seeks to maintain a platform that is open, safe and empowering for our users to create the change that they wish to see. We rely on our users to help us spot potentially abusive content and accounts and build a safer, more empowering Campoal. If you see something you think might be violating our Community Guidelines, like bullying, hate speech or spam, please let us know.

We take user reports very seriously at Campoal. Once you have submitted a report, our team will individually review the reported content or account. If we determine that the content or account is in violation of our Community Guidelines, we will take action. This action can range from warning the user to removing their content or permanently disabling their account.

Content reported to Campoal is reviewed in the order in which it is received. If further information is required from either the content creator or the reporter, we will contact the parties via email. Regrettably, we are unable to provide telephone support at this time.


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How to Report Content